Tuesday 10 November 2015

Parihaka Day at Frankleigh Park Kindergarten

Parihaka Day was celebrated at our kindergarten last week.  In preparation for this our children have been drawing and painting the 3 feathers of Te Atiawa onto calico flags. 

The story has been shared about Rangimarie- the peace and goodwill of Parihaka.  We lit our peace candle, recited a karakia and then moved outside to see our banner of flags strung between the tree and our Whare Rakau. This was followed by delicious kumara chips.

This story has enabled children to develop an understanding about the concepts of peaceful resolution and negotiation and to learn about a unique historical event which happened here in Taranaki.

This will become a tradition to be shared each year on November 5th. 
Kia tou te rangimarie
i roto i tenei kura
o tatou e tenei wa
Peace be with us all in this kindergarten at this time.


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